Saturday, January 21, 2012

Planting Seeds

OK. I got a bunch of odds & ends of seeds planted. Yay! I'll be planting more in a couple weeks - different ones. And, if some of these don't come up, I have more of the same I'll plant. I also planted some unknown heirloom tomato seeds that my mom had saved (don't think those will make it ...) I've put them on the ironing board in front of my bedroom window that gets good light most of the time. The egg cartons are setting on an old baking sheet, so no leakage. Once these sprout & get their first leaves, they'll be transferred to small pots until chance of frost is over. Then, they will be moved outside to the 18-gallon bins to grow and prosper!
I'll be putting an order in to Landreth Seeds (finally) next week, so will have plenty of seeds through the season for succession planting.

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