Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012 - Exercises & Meals

80 jumps on trampoline
10 trampoline push-ups
10 trampoline crunches
20 counter push-ups (10 forward/10 backward)
2.2 miles
8.03 minutes
108 calories burned while reading a chapter of Turn Coat (The Dresden Files, Book 11)

Breakfast - organic lemon/organic local raw honey/filtered water with  NOW MSM powder & Eclectic Institute Spearmint Flavored Astragalus Glycerite; 2 slices Alvarado Street Bakery Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread (toast) with organic local honey/Organic Valley Pasture Butter sandwich
Lunch - Rocky Dogs Chicken hot dog on Alvarado Street Bakery Sprouted Hot Dog Bun; filtered water
Dinner - rotisseried Branigan's free range local turkey wing; Trader Joe's Rice Medley with Organic Valley Pasture Butter; filtered water