Well, I only jumped on my mini trampoline this morning & it was slightly painful. I stressed the ligaments behind one knee yesterday while working. It's minor, but I don't want to make it worse as I can't stop working because of it. I have to get up and down from my little footstool that I sit on & that is how I stressed it, I think. I must have stood up at a bad angle or something. Anyway ... it should be back to normal in a couple of days. In the mean time, I'll continue working with my dumbbells & other tools to exercise the rest of me. Just can't ride my exercycle. Booo.
I skimmed the fat off of the top of the bone broth I made the other day & used it to fry up a couple of eggs for lunch when I got home today. I did cook it a bit more after this pic was taken. I like my eggs a bit golden. Yum!!