Saturday, December 10, 2011

Exercise Room!

I finally moved all the exercise equipment out of my room & into the doves' room! So, the exercycle & abdoer have been joined by the mini-trampoline, exercise ball, resistance rings, dumbbells, & exercise pedal ...
So, I did all my exercises & then read a chapter of Turn Coat (The Dresden Files, Book 11) while riding my exercycle:
2.4 miles
8.19 minutes
119 calories burned.
Better than yesterday & slowly working back up to where I was last week.
Now, I need to cut up the butternut squash for tonight's soup.

Cilantro Recall - possible Salmonella

Pacific International Marketing (“Pacific”) is working with the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and California Department of Public Health to coordinate a recall of Cilantro for potential contami...