Friday, November 2, 2012

Cookbook for sale!

I have a brand new cookbook up for sale at my Bonanza shop!
It's hardcover, 96 pages with illustrations for each recipe! There are some really good ones in it! Check it out!

Now You're Cookin' Oven Dishes Cookbook - New Hardcover!

Nutty Cereal Recipe

Having gone totally wheat-free and gluten-free, my mom was still craving 'cereal', so I found a way to satisfy her.

1 cup roughly chopped raw walnuts
1/2 cup finely chopped raw almonds
1/2 cup finely chopped raw macadamias
1/2 cup finely ground raw pecans
1/2 cup finely ground raw cashews
1/4 cup chopped raw pine nuts
1-1/2 Tablespoons raw cacao nibs
2 Tablespoons dried cherries
2 Tablespoons dried blueberries
2 Tablespoons raisins
2 Tablespoons raw sunflower seeds
1/2 teaspoon raw maca powder
2 Tablespoons raw shredded coconut
(Raisins and sunflower seeds not pictured above.)
Mix together thoroughly and store in glass jar.
Serve 1/2 cup of nutty cereal with raw milk.

Purple Avocado Smoothie Recipe

I'm starting to experiment more with avocados.

8 oz. fresh blackberries
1 frozen banana
1/2 Hass avocado
1/4 teaspoon maca powder
1 teaspoon cacao nibs
1/2 cup raw cream
1/2 cup raw milk

Blend until smoothie consistency. Depending on your preferred smoothie thickness, use more or less cream or milk. I normally use 1 cup cream, but I ran out. So, I did half and half.
You can also add a tablespoon of raw pecan butter for a really nice extra bit of flavor.