Walking - 1541 steps
Exercycle - 14.7mph
2.1 miles
7.57 minutes
100 calories burned
1 chapter read - Supernatural: Witch's Canyon
Daily Meals:
Breakfast - Lemon/Honey/Betaine/Bio - C/Astragalus/filtered water - 8.5g
Snack - 1 Trader Joe's Uncrystallized Candied Ginger; sun tea - 3g
Lunch - 2 carrots; Cypress Grove Chevre Sgt. Pepper goat cheese; Lavender Lemonade - 43g
Snack - coconut oil; sun tea - 0g
Dinner - rotisseried pork short ribs; pasta with stewed tomatoes and brocolli; raw milk -45g
Estimated Carbohydrate Total:
104.5g :(